Lavender Hexcode

The color lavender floral with hexadecimal color code b57edc is a medium light shade of blue magenta.

Lavender hexcode. Color spaces of e6e6fa lavender. In the hsl color space b57edc has a hue of 275 degrees 57 saturation and 68 lightness. This code is composed of a hexadecimal e6 red 230 256 a e6 green 230 256 and a fa blue component 250 256.

Whereas in a cmyk color space it is composed of 8 cyan 8 magenta 0 yellow and 2 black. Hex color and rgb code for lavender with hex code b57edc and rgb code 181 126 220. Cylindrical coordinate representations also known as hsl of color e6e6fa hue.

0 67 and the lightness value of e6e6fa is. E6e6fa hex color red value is 230 green value is 230 and the blue value of its rgb is 250. E6e6fa color name is lavender color.

E6e6fa color rgb value is 230 230 250. In the rgb color model b57edc is comprised of 70 98 red 49 41 green and 86 27 blue.

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